Industry 4.0 Performance

Industry 4.0 is a concept widely recognized today and is a fundamental goal for companies. With Industry 4.0, companies aim to enhance key competitive aspects such as quality, efficiency, profitability, data management, flexibility, and others through digital technologies. Given the unique needs and dynamics of industries and companies, each technology or element of Industry 4.0 must be carefully customized to fit the goals and structures of companies. When measuring Industry 4.0 performance, companies should identify the elements that most impact their goals and dynamics. Otherwise, broad investments in Industry 4.0, with its extensive scope for application and development, may not benefit the company and could lead to unnecessary investments and losses.

At DigSus Consulting, we evaluate the dynamics of your company and industry to assist you in accurately determining your Industry 4.0 performance. We utilize XXX measurement items to assess your Industry 4.0 performance. By examining dozens of models developed in academic and industrial fields and incorporating our team's sector-specific knowledge and experience, we offer a unique solution customized entirely to your company's goals and structure. With DigSus Consulting's Industry 4.0 Performance Model, you can measure your maturity with only relevant and beneficial metrics. Our platform, supported by artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL), and our expert team will accompany you at every stage of your journey. Let's revolutionize your Industry 4.0 performance with DigSus Consulting.